
August 2, 2010

Olivia the Truant, Part 2


"How can you wake her up to do this!"

"Alex," Charlie warned, quietly, but Alex's voice escalated.

"It's 7:00 in the morning!"

"You're going to wake her up yourself," Charlie said.  "Lower your voice."

"Come on, honey." Judah's voice now.

I rolled over, pulling a pillow over my head.  Stupid summer and it's stupid bright and early stupid sun.  

"Why do you all have to yell in my room?" I whined, blinking my eyes open just in time to see Judah leading a stomping and sputtering Alex out of the room.

"Hush," Charlie said.  He bent to pick a strand of hair off my face as I sat up.

"Am I still in trouble?" I asked, groggily.

Charlie laughed and sat down on the edge of the bed.  "Damn adorable in the morning, that’s what you are."

April 2, 2010

Olivia the Truant, Part 1

Introducing Charlie, Judah, Alex and Olive.

There is, indeed, a girl involved here.  So, while some of these stories will be M/M, some will be M/F, too.  I hope it’s not too squicky, I’ve just had these guys bumping around in my head for a while now and figured as long as I was putting them down on paper, I may as well share it.  M/F is almost a little squicky to me, really, and I wonder sometimes where Olive even came from.
Maybe that’s why she’s such a tomboy. I don’t know.

The first in what I hope to be a few more stories On the Banks of Jump Creek, this one centers on Olive.
As will always be the case ‘round these parts: This is a story about domestic discipline (think: spanking), conducted among consenting adults.  If you're under the age of majority where you live, or you're just not into all this, you should head on out, I think.
WELL.  I think it's neat.
Olivia the Truant, Part 1

Judah leaned against the back porch railing and shook his head.  "Olivia.  What were you thinking?"

He'd apparently abandoned frustration in favor of disappointment and it absolutely crushes me whole when he talks like that.  Especially without looking at me.  I swiped roughly at several tears on my cheeks.

"Did you really think we wouldn't find out?" he asked, quietly.

I looked down at my bare feet on the porch.  They finally sat still.  Several months of fidgeting were over and while I felt a little better, I also felt monumentally worse.

Judah took me by the arm and pulled until I fell against him.  He slipped my head under his chin and an arm around my waist.

"You're unbelievable," he breathed as I began to cry into his shoulder.  I had to stand on tiptoe just to reach it, but let his arm take some of the weight.  "And you're damn lucky Charlie isn't home, you know that?"

"Don't tell him," I begged. "He'll kill me, Jude.  You know he will."