"How can you wake her up to do this!"
"Alex," Charlie warned, quietly, but Alex's voice escalated.
"It's 7:00 in the morning!"
"You're going to wake her up yourself," Charlie said. "Lower your voice."
"Come on, honey." Judah's voice now.
I rolled over, pulling a pillow over my head. Stupid summer and it's stupid bright and early stupid sun.
"Why do you all have to yell in my room?" I whined, blinking my eyes open just in time to see Judah leading a stomping and sputtering Alex out of the room.
"Hush," Charlie said. He bent to pick a strand of hair off my face as I sat up.
"Am I still in trouble?" I asked, groggily.
Charlie laughed and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Damn adorable in the morning, that’s what you are."